A whole new Acrobat.

Acrobat has come a long way in the last few years. Compare Acrobat DC to Acrobat XI and Acrobat X, and see for yourself.

Acrobat X Acrobat XI Acrobat DC
Interact with PDFs
NEW Send, track and confirm the delivery of important documents electronically S
NEW Maintain a consistent user experience across all your devices S
NEW Browse the Tool Center or use the search box to find tools quickly X
NEW Instantly find the right tools through a task-based onscreen experience X
NEW Work with touch-enabled devices X
NEW Get instant access to recently viewed files with Mobile Link X
NEW Select the Save Ink/Toner option to reduce costs when printing from Windows X
Create PDFs
Create PDFs on the go in a browser or on a mobile device S S
Merge multiple documents into one PDF in a browser S S
Drag and drop to preview and arrange documents and pages before combining them in one PDF X X
Create, protect and send PDFs directly from popular Office apps for Windows o X X
NEW Create high-quality PDFs in Microsoft Word for Mac X
Edit PDFs
Export PDFs to Office formats in a browser or on a mobile device S S
NEW Turn scanned paper documents into instantly editable PDFs with fonts that match the original text X
NEW Add or edit text—or rearrange pages—in a PDF on your iPad S
Edit PDF files intuitively, clicking and dragging to reflow paragraphs X X
NEW Reflow text across a page without having to adjust individual paragraphs X
NEW Add new lines to existing bulleted or numbered lists without reformatting X
NEW Run spell check on your entire document and correct typos X
Find and replace text in a single step X X
Convert some or all of a PDF to an editable Word, Excel, PowerPoint or RTF file o X X
NEW Turn PDFs into editable Word, Excel or PowerPoint files with improved formatting accuracy X
NEW Preview and correct suspected text recognition errors with a side-by-side view o o X
NEW Clean up document photos to remove backgrounds and adjust perspective X
Sign and collect
NEW Fill, sign and send forms from your computer or mobile device X
NEW Fill forms faster with reusable text from your personal autofill collection X
NEW Collect e-signatures from others and track responses in real time S S
Create and validate PDFs based on WCAG 2.0 and PDF/UA accessibility standards X X
NEW Read PDFs aloud with VoiceOver support on Mac OS X computers X
NEW Read text more easily in high-contrast mode on your PC with dynamic background adjustment X

S Subscription only

o Contains a portion of the capability